A senior Chinese diplomat on Thursday called on certain countries to revoke their decision on nuclear submarine cooperation.

It is of particular significance at this point to ensure the full and effective implementation of non-proliferation rules, said Geng Shuang, China’s deputy permanent representative to the United Nations.

Disregarding questions and opposition, certain countries are intent on advancing nuclear submarine cooperation under the framework of the so-called trilateral security partnership, he said. Two nuclear weapon states and depository states of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) would unprecedentedly transfer tons of weapon-grade highly enriched uranium to a non-nuclear weapon state, he told the Security Council.

Geng was obviously referring to a plan on nuclear submarine cooperation between Australia, the United States and the United Kingdom, known as AUKUS.

“This move provokes an arms race, stokes bloc confrontation, jeopardizes regional and global security and stability, violates the goals and purpose of the NPT, and constitutes a grave challenge to the international nuclear non-proliferation regime,” he said.

“We urge relevant countries to abandon their archaic and narrow geopolitical considerations, honor their own non-proliferation obligations, revoke the decision of carrying out nuclear submarine cooperation, and safeguard regional and international peace and security with concrete deeds.”

Recent years have witnessed a deepening international consensus on non-proliferation, and more effective and stronger efforts to counter proliferation by non-state actors. In the meantime, the situation of non-proliferation remains grave. Unilateralism and double standards are on the rise. Developing countries still face restrictions on the peaceful use of technology. The inequitable and unreasonable elements of the international non-proliferation regime are getting more pronounced, Geng noted.

In this context, Geng stressed the need to create a favorable international security environment, consolidate and strengthen the current non-proliferation regime, vigorously advance capacity-building in member states, and ensure the rights to peaceful use of technology.

Non-proliferation is a long-term task and an important mission of the international community. The implementation of Security Council Resolution 1540 on non-proliferation will be a progressive process, he added.

China hopes all parties can earnestly fulfill their respective international obligations, actively participate in international non-proliferation cooperation, jointly strengthen global non-proliferation governance, and push for universal and common security for the world. China will continue its efforts and contribution to this end, Geng said.

Source: cgtn

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